It must be Christmas time…..

Frosty! Wrap up warm!

Frosty! Wrap up warm!

X factor has finished, it must be nearly Christmas! (I didn’t follow it this year…but do we think James Arthur will be number one?!) Luckily, this is not the only indication; the weather is frosty and everywhere decorated with lights and of course, not forgetting Emma’s last post which made me feel really festive!



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The University of Lincoln’s graduation ceremonies are taking place this week.

Here’s a quick mini blog to say HELLO The Outreach Team is alive but we are super busy at the moment. It’s a really hectic time for the Higher Education world at the moment, from the end of August until the end of October…possibly November we will be in and out of the office working on different projects all of which revolve around the new academic year starting. Continue reading

July next week? Already!!!

Fees and Funding


Nicola and I are back in the office! If only briefly! The week promises more events, driving around the country and bringing the delights of Lincoln and the University to prospective students.

I have really enjoyed the last week, despite being tiring and long it was nice to take some responsibility and have the freedom and independence to utilise the new knowledge and skills we have gained over the last two months.

Today is busy and therefore my post will have to be brief, I hope that after the rush I can sit down and reflect on the past few days and write a much more comprehensive account of the events that we attended. Continue reading