It’s over & out for National Student Money Week 2013

National Student Money Week has been and gone for 2013. Woo! Sob! After months of planning, promoting and printing, the week happened without a hitch *breathes a sigh of relief*.

National Student Money Week 2013

National Student Money Week 2013

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Back in business…

Wow, it has been a long time since we last blogged, sorry! With the excitement of Christmas & the New Year, time has run away from us.

Following on from our last post, since then we have had a huge amount of snow, like most of the country did! Wellies, hats and scarves became ordinary items of my work outfits and the campus looked beautiful. Here are a couple of snaps…

Ice, ice, swan?

Ice, ice, swan?

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NSMW13 Planning!

Hello, how are things?

As you know from Hannah’s previous post we, The Outreach Team, were selected by NASMA (National Association of Student Money Advisers) to be a Showcase Partner for National Student Money Week 2013.

Let’s hear a loud WAHOOOO for that!

National Student Money Week 2013 Showcase Partners

This was fantastic news especially as it started to generate interest in the event from other staff within the University. In fact the Vice Chancellor of the University Mary Stuart even contacted us to pass on her congratulations and best wishes for the event. It was great to get her support plus the other congratulations we received. The pressure’s on for creating an engaging and popular week especially as it’s a brand new event for the University; no-one has attempted to cover it before! Continue reading

NASMA Conference at the Hilton in Liverpool!

The Hilton Hotel Liverpool – Our home for 3 days!

Hello bloggers!

Nicola and Emma here!

We have finally returned to The University of Lincoln after a whole load of busy days filled with external Uni events and the NASMA conference! What’s NASMA you might ask?? NASMA is the National Association of Student Money Advisers they are the leading authority on all matters relating to student advice and funding. As we are all new to the world of student money advice it was great to become members and attend their three day conference in Liverpool. Continue reading

Lots To Do

So it has been quite some time since I last wrote a blog here. This has mainly because due to events and days off I haven’t spent a long time in the office. So I suppose I best give an update on what I have been getting up to. I have been out and about attending events in Scunthorpe for Higher Education evening at colleges, as well as manning the Student Affairs stand (along with Emma) during the post-graduate open day. The first event was really quite busy, handing out dozens of prospectuses left, right and centre. It was quite an eye-opening to realise how much detailed knowledge about each course the marketing department know (Gareth from marketing attended this event with us), and how much we really are going to have learn when we start attending the larger HE and UCAS fairs across the country.

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A Mixed Bag

I’m finally back writing my blog, (its Matt in case you didn’t know). After going home on my holiday leave and then suffering from a stomach bug for a few days I have returned to the office. Today has been more relaxed than usual but nonetheless a busy day in the Student Support Centre. It appears that the day has become busier as it goes by. Having the general check of emails when coming in this morning and catching up with a back log of NASMA emails to browse through we all awaited our training booked in for today.
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